203 - 772 - 1810
877 - 287 - 8203

Connecticut Referals

Case Results

No two cases are alike. The results presented here are not a guaranty of future results.

Our Case Results

* $2,000,000.00

Mediated settlement of premises liability claim involving traumatic brain injury

* $2,000,000.00

Mediated settlement of a motor vehicle accident claim resulting in traumatic brain injury with multiple surgeries and multiple orthopedic injuries (Policy Limit)


Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident resulting in surgically repaired fractured pelvis and internal injuries


Workers Compensation Claim involving contraction of an infectious disease


Rear-end motor vehicle accident resulting in torn rotator cuff and biceps tendon necessitating two (2) surgeries


Motor vehicle accident resulting in multiple fractures and extensive hospitalization


Work related motor vehicle accident necessitating low back surgery.


Underinsured motorist claim arising out of a motor vehicle accident involving rotator cuff surgery and recommendation for neck surgery (Policy Limit).


Dog bite resulting in permanent scarring.


Motor vehicle accident resulting in herniated lumbar discs and two (2) back surgeries


Motor vehicle accident involving burn injuries from hot oil in a food truck


Motor vehicle accident resulting in ruptured and displaced breast implants


Restaurant spill injury involving burns sustained by a child


Ankle injury sustained at vocational school necessitating multiple surgeries


Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident resulting surgically repaired leg injury involving internal fixation


Motor vehicle accident resulting in neck, shoulder and low back injuries all with positive MRI findings necessitating extensive treatment including injections and surgical recommendations


Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident resulting in multiple left leg fractures necessitating surgery with open reduction and internal fixation along with right rotator cuff tear (policy limit).


Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident resulting surgically repaired leg injury involving internal fixation


Arbitration Award.  Motor vehicle – pedestrian accident involving post concussive syndrome including post traumatic seizures


Negligent assault resulting in internal injuries necessitating multiple surgeries


Wrongful death relating to service of alcohol to minor (policy limit)


Arbitration award (high). Motor vehicle/motorcycle accident resulting in multiple lacerations and right lower extremity injuries


Motor vehicle accident resulting in multiple fractures including a fractured clavicle, fractured scapula, three (3) fractured ribs and a fractured vertebrae


Liability claim for shoulder and neck injuries sustained in the process of loading a patient on a wheelchair lift while working


Liability claim for shoulder and neck injuries sustained in the process of loading a patient on a wheelchair lift while working.


Mediated settlement for passenger in a motor vehicle accident with traumatic brain injury and PTSD.


Motor vehicle accident resulting in lumbar disc herniations and surgery.


Motor vehicle accident involving fractured calcaneous (heal) with surgery (policy limit)


Passenger in motor vehicle accident with traumatic brain injury (policy limit)


Workers compensation claim involving low back surgery


Settlement of a Workers compensation claim involving low back surgery


Motorcycle accident resulting in a fractured hand and torn rotator cuff.


Motor vehicle accident claim resulting in leg fracture requiring surgery


Fall down resulting in knee disclocation, ACL tear and knee fractures with prolonged in-patient rehabilitation and lost time from work. 


Workers compensation settlement in claim involving head and right shoulder injuries.


Mediated settlement for motor vehicle accident involving hand injuries to a professional musician.


Settlement of bus accident involved rotator cuff surgery.


Settlement of a slip and fall accident resulting in surgically repaired tibia and fibula fractures,


Workers compensation claim involving bilateral knee surgery


Mediated settlement of a motor vehicle accident resulting in multiple cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine bulges and herniations




Jury verdict against municipality for defective sidewalk resulting in multiple hand and finger fractures. Final payment with interest exceeds $210,000.00


Mediated settlement of a motor vehicle accident resulting in fractured radius and ulnar of the non-master arm requiring surgery with plate and screws.


Arbitration award arising out of motor vehicle accident resulting in rotator cuff surgery


Claim arising out of a faulty piece of fitness equipment resulting in shoulder surgery


Motor vehicle accident resulting in rotator cuff surgery


Motor vehicle accident resulting in rotator cuff surgery


Motor vehicle accident result in MCL tear with arthroscopic surgery and cervical disc herniation


Dog bite resulting in crush injury to hand of a minor


Trip and fall in a parking lot in which injured person sustained a lisfrank injury to her foot


Motor vehicle accident resulting in herniated cervical disc with recommendation of surgery


Negligent assault involving a broken glass thrown by an intoxicated party patron striking young women causing facial scarring


Motor vehicle accident causing a concussion, post-concussive headaches and concentration problems


Mediated settlement of a motor vehicle accident claim with a left shoulder SLAP tear and disputed low back disc herniation with surgery.


Motor vehicle accident resulting in rotator cuff surgery


Motor vehicle accident resulting in rotator cuff surgery


Trucking accident resulting in facial lacerations and scarring


Arbitration award for motor vehicle accident resulting in torn rotator cuff with arthroscopic surgery


Motor vehicle accident with herniated discs in the low back necessitating multiple injections


Slip and fall on ice resulting in multiple fractures of the lower right leg with surgery and internal fixation of hardware


Motor vehicle accident involving multiple injuries including fractured foot


Motor vehicle accident resulting in arthroscopic knee surgery


Motor vehicle accident resulting in herniated lumbar disc


Motor vehicle accident resulting in neck surgery (policy limit)


Motor vehicle accident resulting in arthroscopic shoulder surgery (policy limit)


Motor vehicle accident resulting in shoulder surgery (policy limit)


Motor cycle – motor vehicle accident resulting in hand/wrist fractures and shoulder injury (policy limit)


Motor vehicle accident resulting in multiple cervical and lumbar herniated discs (Policy Limit).


Motor vehicle accident resulting in left hip impingement requiring surgical repair (Policy Limit).


Motor vehicle / pedestrian accident resulting in fractured leg necessitating open reduction and internal fixation (Policy Limit)


Motor vehicle accident resulting in arthroscopic shoulder surgery (policy limit)


Motor vehicle / moped accident resulting in shoulder surgery (Policy Limit)